Our Events
Skål Canada - Destination Canada - Online Event. An Overview International Marketing Strategies for Groups/ Conferences, & Incentive Travel.
09/23/2021 17:00 to 09/23/2021 18:30 (Canada/Central)
Destination Canada Presents
International Marketing to Groups/ Conferences & Incentive Travel
Guest Speaker
Chantal Sturk-Nadeau
Executive Director
Business Events
Chantal Sturk-Nadeau arrived at Destination Canada in January 2017 with an intrepid spirit and an open mind. For nearly 18 years before joining DC, Chantal fostered deep relationships across Canada, and around the world, in her role as Senior Vice-President of Tourism Winnipeg — a division of Economic Development Winnipeg.
In her role as Executive Director of Business Events at Destination Canada, Chantal leads the business events strategy to leverage Canada’s economic sector strengths and legendary incentive experiences to attract global business events to Canada. Chantal and her team inspire, provide insights, and facilitate introductions and connections between organizations considering Canada and our business events partners.